Legislative Update: Pastor and Marriage Protection Bills on House Floor
Update on Pastor Protection Bill
The Pastor Protection Bill, HB 3567 by Rep. Scott Sanford, was not taken up on the House floor yesterday, but is scheduled for a floor vote TODAY, May 13. This is the last week for the Texas House to consider house bills (HB) on second reading.
The Pastor/Clergy Protection Bill ensures that the government cannot force a pastor, clergy member, or church to perform a marriage that would violate their sincerely held religious beliefs. The recent oral arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court on the same-sex marriage case revealed that under current law pastors may not be protected if states are forced to redefine marriage.
Please Take Action to Support the Pastor Protection Act:
- CLICK HERE to email your State Representative and ask them to vote for HB 3567.
- In addition, please also call your State Representative. CLICK HERE to lookup your legislators’ capitol office phone number
Update on Preservation of State Sovereignty over Marriage Act
The Preservation of State Sovereignty over Marriage Act, HB 4105 by Rep. Cecil Bell, Jr., is also scheduled for a floor vote TODAY. Please also contact your State Representative in support of HB 4105.
HB 4105 would further protect and defend Art. 1., Sec. 32, of the Texas Constitution by prohibiting the use of state or local funds from being used for licensing same-sex “marriage”.
Please Take Action to Protect Texas Marriage Laws:
- CLICK HERE to email your State Representative and ask them to vote for HB 4105.
- In addition, please also call your State Representative. CLICK HERE to lookup your legislators’ capitol office phone number.
Update on “Pro-LGBT Birth Certificate Bill”
HB 537 by Rep. Rafael Anchia is scheduled for a vote on the House floor today. HB 537 is being pushed by homosexual advocacy groups and seeks to remove “mother” and “father” from some birth certificates.
Please also tell your State Representative to vote no on HB 537.