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Email Update 2

April 1, 2014

baby-feet-parents-pro-life (620-260)

March, 27 2013 – Texas’ Pro-Life Omnibus Bill, HB 2, was upheld today as constitutional by the Federal Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. This ruling reverses the ruling of a lone lower federal court judge, Lee Yeakel. HB 2, authored by Republicans Rep. Jodie Laubenberg and Sen. Glenn Hegar, was passed with bipartisan support in 2013. Specifically, Judge Yeakel previously blocked the provision requiring that doctors performing abortions must have admitting provisions at a nearby hospital and partially blocked the provision that tightens safety guidelines for the abortion drug RU486.

“This is a tremendous victory for life in the state of Texas. The unanimous ruling of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirms the will of the Texas people and will ensure that women’s health and the lives of the unborn are both given the highest protection,” said Jonathan Saenz, president of Texas Values.

The historic pro-life bill, passed with Texas Values’ support, includes other provisions that ban late-term abortions after 5 months when babies can feel pain and increases health and safety standards at abortion clinics.

Find the court’s opinion here.

About Texas Values

Texas Values is a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. More information is available at

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