2024 Precinct Convention Resolutions
Attention all grassroots supporters of faith, family, and freedom: Party Platforms are going to be written as the parties prepare for the State convention this year.
Delegates are grassroots activists who volunteer to lead at their precinct, county or senate district, or state convention. Many precinct conventions are going on tonight Tuesday, March 5th and this Saturday, March 9th. If you voted in the primary or are affiliated with the party, you can introduce and pass resolutions for party leaders to further discuss at the county/senate district convention. Whether you can be involved at the precinct, county, or state level – any degree of involvement is valuable.
Look online or call your county party headquarters for meeting details. This means you have a great opportunity to take a stand for important pro-life, pro-family, and pro-freedom issues by submitting a resolution to your party’s platform at your local convention.
A resolution is a statement of principle that is voted on at a political convention.
Resolution in Support of Detransitioner’s Bill of Rights
Whereas, the state has a compelling interest in protecting the health and safety of its citizens, especially vulnerable children and adolescents; and
Whereas, recent years have seen a rising number of individuals known as detransitioners who were initially subjected to physiological interventions to alter their appearance and bodily functions to align with their perceived sex or perceived gender but who later experienced a resolution of any inconsistency between their sex and their perceived gender or perceived sex; and
Whereas, there is a concerning lack of treatment guidelines for the medical care of detransitioners. Detransitioners report a dearth of information about ceasing hormonal treatments and frequently encounter clinicians who are poorly informed about medical detransition. In addition, some jurisdictions have mandated insurance coverage for gender transition procedures but have refused to extend this mandate to detransition procedures; and
Whereas; detransitioners have a right to insurance coverage, transparency from their medical providers, effective medical care, and legal restoration;
Therefore, be it resolved that the Republican Party of __________________ County recommends the Platform Committee of the State Convention adopt as a Platform Plank the support for legislation establishing a Detransitioner’s Bill of Rights.
Adopted this _______________ day of _________________, 2024 at the Precinct Convention of Precinct
#___________ of the ______________________ County Republican Party of Texas.
Resolution in Support of the Right of School Employees to Pray in Public
Whereas, the U.S. Supreme Court in Kennedy v. Bremerton held in 2022 that the establishment clause does not require school districts to “single out private religious speech for special disfavor”; and
Whereas, the high court discarded the legal “Lemon Test” in favor of an even more expansive view of religious free exercise; and
Whereas, the U.S. Constitution protects the right of every school district employee to pray in public without fear of getting fired, and the right of every American to live out their faith in public;
Therefore, be it resolved that the Republican Party of ______________ County recommends the Platform Committee of the State Convention adopt as Platform Plank that the party supports legislation affirming the right of public school district employees to pray in public.
Adopted this _____________ day of _________ , 2024 at the Precinct Convention
of Precinct # ______ of the _______________ County Republican Party of Texas.
Resolution for a Ban on School Pronoun Policies
Whereas, policies that compel use of a pronoun inconsistent with a student’s sex violate free speech protected by the U.S. Constitution; and
Whereas, a parent’s right to direct the upbringing and education of their child does not simply stop at the schoolhouse door; and
Whereas, we must continue to fight to promote freedom of speech and parental rights for the good of Texas families;
Therefore, be it resolved that the Republican Party of __________________ County recommends the Platform Committee of the State Convention adopt as a Platform Plank a call for a ban on school pronoun policies.
Adopted this _______________ day of _________________, 2024 at the Precinct Convention of Precinct
#___________ of the ______________________ County Republican Party of Texas.
Resolution to Ban Sports Betting in Texas
Whereas, the majority of online gambling now takes place on mobile phones through sports betting apps; and
Whereas, sports betting often leads to gambling addiction with the potential to put strain on families and relationships, leading to confrontation, divorce, and unhealthy home environments; and
Whereas, children often suffer from the fallout of this toxic home environment and individuals of all ages who compulsively gamble through sports betting apps are at heightened risk of suicide; and
Whereas, sports betting is currently illegal in the State of Texas;
Therefore, be it resolved that the Republican Party of _____________ County recommends the Platform Committee of the State Convention adopt as Platform Plank that the party supports the continued ban of sports betting activities and mobile apps in the State of Texas.
Adopted this _______________ day of _________________, 2024 at the Precinct Convention of Precinct
#___________ of the ______________________ County Republican Party of Texas.
Resolution in Support of School Chaplains
Whereas, chaplains can promote values such as empathy, integrity, and compassion in their discussions with students
Whereas, there exists a need for some issues that kids may be facing (where someone goes when they die, etc) at school that are appropriately answered by someone who can provide a biblical or theological background
Whereas, most school counselors today counsel from a perspective with a left-leaning agenda and schools provide few alternatives for students with a Christian or conservative background
Therefore, be it resolved that the Republican Party of _____________ County recommends the Platform Committee of the State Convention adopt as Platform Plank that the party supports the use of voluntary chaplains in schools to counsel and give guidance from a traditional biblical perspective based on Judeo-Christian values with informed consent of a parent.
Adopted this _______________ day of _________________, 2024 at the Precinct Convention of Precinct
#___________ of the ______________________ County Republican Party of Texas.
Resolution to Stop Social Transitions at Schools
Whereas, some teachers in some schools are implementing the practice of calling a child by a name that is not their legally given name and choosing to use pronouns that are not consistent with their sex at birth
Whereas, some teachers in some schools do the above without notifying parents or asking the permission of parents to “socially transition” their child to a different sex than the one assigned at birth
Whereas, Texas recognizes that parental rights are fundamental and should be respected by teachers and school administrators
Therefore, be it resolved that the Republican Party of _____________ County recommends the Platform Committee of the State Convention adopt as a Platform that schools should not be allowed to social transition a child by calling a child a different name or by different pronouns or treating a child as the sex opposite of the child’s sex at birth.
Adopted this _______________ day of _________________, 2024 at the Precinct Convention of Precinct
#___________ of the ______________________ County Republican Party of Texas.
Resolution to Stop the Kidnapping of Texas women and children for abortions and sex change operations
Whereas, Texas has laws that protect the life of the preborn and make abortion illegal in our state
Whereas, Texas now has a law banning gender transition surgeries and procedures for minor children under the age of 18
Whereas, states like California are promising to perform abortions on Texas women and assist children to escape Texas to get gender transition surgeries
Therefore, be it resolved that the Republican Party of _____________ County recommends the Platform Committee of the State Convention adopt as a Platform Plank the prohibition of governments and governing officials of outside states from kidnapping our women and children in order to violate Texas state laws and perform abortions and gender modification on our women and children.
Adopted this _______________ day of _________________, 2024 at the Precinct Convention of Precinct
#___________ of the ______________________ County Republican Party of Texas.
Resolution for Balanced Scientific Discussion in Schools and the Recognition of Creationism as a Scientific Theory
Whereas, the Republican Party of Texas Platform currently has a plank on scientific theories that calls for objective teaching of scientific theories
Whereas, the Republican Party of Texas recognizes God as the Creator and believes that the Bible is the true word of God
Whereas, we recognize the “Big Bang Theory” and other scientific theories on the origin of life exist but have not been proven as fact
Therefore, be it resolved that the Republican Party of _____________ County recommends the Platform Committee of the State Convention adopt for a platform plank that discussions of scientific theories in public schools should be balanced so that equal recognition and attention is given to the theory of Creationism. We reject teaching as fact that men evolved from monkeys or any other animals.
Adopted this _______________ day of _________________, 2024 at the Precinct Convention of Precinct
#___________ of the ______________________ County Republican Party of Texas.