Action Alert: Austin City Council Votes Thursday to Fund Abortion
The Austin City Council has become a “Supreme Court denier” now that the Roe v. Wade has been struck down and paved the way for Texans to protect all babies. Austin City Council will be voting on several policy items in a “special meeting” this Thursday, July 21, that will use government power to ignore the law so abortionist can kill preborn babies.
Our Senior Policy Analyst Mary Elizabeth Castle will be testifying against this abortion supporting proposed new law at this meeting.
Austin City Council continues to wage an attack on the life of the preborn in response to Roe v. Wade being overturned last month. The actions the Austin City Council plans to take involve voting on a new city ordinance that prohibits discrimination of a woman who was sought an abortion, a resolution that will de-prioritize the enforcement of criminal laws that protect the right of the preborn child, a resolution to conduct a public education program that will help city employees and spouses obtain vasectomies, and a resolution that would give city employees money to travel out of state to obtain an abortion. The agenda for the meeting can be found here.
If you live in the city of Austin, you need to tell the city council to vote ‘No” on the ordinance and all resolutions that would use taxpayer dollars to defy state law and promote or fund abortion. The Austin City Council will meet on July 21 at 10a.m. If you plan to testify in person, you must complete an online form by 12p.m. Wednesday or sign up on a kiosk at Austin City Hall by 9:15 a.m. Thursday. You also have the opportunity to testify remotely. We also encourage you to email the Austin City Council members your concerns about their pro-abortion agenda using this link or the button below. Sign up to testify here.
We need to stop Austin City Council from promoting and funding abortion in a post-Roe world and instead support pregnant women and mothers. Please take action now!