
Support Texas Professional Protect Act on Social Media

April 2, 2019

The Texas Professionals Protection Act, SB 17/HB 2827, ensures the State of Texas does not punish a licensed professional by revoking or denying a license or certificate because of a person’s sincerely held religious belief. The bill received bipartisan support in the Senate State Affairs Committee. SB 17/HB 2827 is a targeted approach to protect religious freedom and the bill has passed with bipartisan support in Texas Senate State Affairs Committee on 3/25.

The bill specifically amends the Texas Occupations Code to prohibit the state government from adopting any rule, regulation, policy, or penalty that unreasonably limits or burdens a person’s sincerely held religious belief, freedom of speech, or freedom of association.

Supporters of the bill include:

Texas Values Action

First Liberty Institute

Texas Right to Life

Republican Party of Texas


Sample tweets:

  • #SB17 protects Christians’ rights to keep their faith AND their job. You shouldn’t have to choose. #FreeToBelieve #ProtectProfessionals #SB17 #TXLege
  • Call your legislators and tell them to support #SB17 — Let’s remind them that Texans should be #FreeToBelieve in the workplace. #ProtectProfessionals #SB17
  • Tell your legislators that Christians will NOT be punished by government policies that advance the radical leftist agenda. Take action here: #ProtectProfessionals #FreeToBelieve #SB17 #TXLege
  • #ProtectProfessionals – Radical leftists are seeking to intimidate Christians into accepting their progressive worldviews. Will you stop them? Take action here: #FreeToBelieve #SB17 #TXLege
  • No Texan should have to defend their membership in a religious service organization in order to get a license or certificate. #ProtectProfessionals #SB17 #FreeToBelieve #TXLege
  • The Human Rights Campaign wants you to believe they are about tolerance. In reality, they’re about using local government to force Christians into the closet. #SB 17 stops such unlawful efforts. #ProtectProfessionals #SB17 #FreeToBelieve #TXLege
  • Attorneys should not be disbarred for associating with religious groups that believe marriage is between one man and one woman. #ProtectProfessionals #SB17 #FreeToBelieve #TXLege
  • Counselors should not lose their license with the American Counseling Association on Monday because they attend church on Sunday. #ProtectProfessionals #SB17 #FreeToBelieve #TXLege
  • Doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists shouldn’t have their license revoked when they refuse a controversial treatment, surgery or prescription that goes against their religious beliefs. #ProtectProfessionals #SB17 #FreeToBelieve #TXLege
  • Hospitals should not be sued when elective and controversial surgeries are declined due to their sincerely held religious beliefs. #ProtectProfessionals #SB17 #FreeToBelieve #TXLege
  • Hair stylists and barbers, who are both required to obtain licenses and be regulated under Texas law, shouldn’t lose their privileges to work because of what they believe. #ProtectProfessionals #SB17 #FreeToBelieve #TXLege
  • Teachers, social workers, athletic trainers, and a number of other occupations that require a license in the state of Texas should not have to worry about losing their livelihood because of what they believe #ProtectProfessionals #SB17 #FreeToBelieve #TXLege


Sample Facebook posts:


All throughout the country, Christians are being persecuted for their sincerely-held religious beliefs. Throughout these cases, one thing is astoundingly clear, and that is that workers shouldn’t be punished for following their faith. SB 17, a religious freedom bill proposed in Texas, would effectively safeguard Texas workers from having their licenses revoked because of their sincerely-held religious beliefs. Click here to learn how you can help:

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