
U.S. House Committee Protects Faith-Based Child Welfare Providers

July 12, 2018

Your calls to Congress to protect faith-based child welfare providers made a difference!

Yesterday, the U.S. House Appropriations Committee voted 29-23 to approve the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act (HR 1881) as an amendment to the Labor and Health and Human Services appropriations bill. HR 1881 ensures the federal and state governments cannot discriminate against faith-based adoption agencies and foster care providers. The amendment also ensures that birth mothers have the right to choose where they place their children for adoption.

Texas has been a leader on this issue after passing a similar bill last year that protects faith-based adoption agencies at the state level. Unfortunately, faith-based child welfare providers are still being targeted for their religious beliefs through federal lawsuits and in other states.

As U.S. Congressman John Carter stated in yesterday’s committee hearing, “We need every resource available for every child.” In Texas, 25% of child welfare providers are faith-based and we want to make sure these groups are not punished by the federal government for their religious beliefs.

We are thankful Congressman John Carter, Congressman John Culberson and Congresswoman Kay Granger represented Texas well and voted in favor of this amendment.

We will continue to update you on the progress of this legislation, and we encourage you to continue to contact your Congressman to support HR 1881!

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