Texas Voters Want Privacy Protected
More than 4,600 Texas voters participated in our first-ever Tele-Townhall this week.
Focused on legislation designed to protect privacy and featuring special guest Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, a great discussion was had on why Texas must protect privacy. Polls during the call showed that Texas GOP voters overwhelmingly support privacy legislation.
Frequent questions received included: What can be done about obstructionism by Texas House leaders (e.g. Speaker Joe Straus and Rep. Byron Cook), what are the key differences between the House and Senate versions of the special session’s Privacy Act, will this legislation stop boys from competing in girls’ sports, which outside influences are attempting to stop Texans from defending their privacy, and what can be done to unify Christians to support legislation to protect privacy?
Answers to these questions and more may be found on the Protect Privacy landing page.
Three polls were conducted throughout the evening call, with 1,051 votes cast. The poll questions and responses show that supporters of privacy are in lockstep with how the Texas Legislature should act this special session. The results are as follow:
1.) Do you agree with Gov. Abbott that privacy legislation should be passed this special session? (Yes 95 percent, No 5 percent)
2.) Will support for privacy legislation help determine who you vote for in the next Primary Election? (Yes, 97 percent, No 3 percent)
3.) Which is more important to you, the safety of our daughters or the bottom lines of Big Business, such as Apple, Google, FB, etc. (Safety 99 percent, profit 1 percent).
The responses from our call are in line with much of the polling on this issue that shows Texas voters want privacy legislation passed and show that primary voters will take a candidate’s stance on the privacy issue into account at the ballot box.