
Alert! First Hearing on School Choice Tuesday, October 10, in Senate Education Committee!

October 9, 2023
Topic: Legislature
As you know, Governor Greg Abbott called for a special legislative session to commence on October 9, that will focus on school choice and a number of other issues. Well, the first hearing on school choice will be on the second day of the special session! Senate Education will meet Tuesday, October 10, at 9:30 AM at the Texas Capitol in E1.028.

The Senate Education Committee will have a hearing on “proposed legislation creating an Education Savings Account Program to provide additional educational options to assist families in exercising the right to direct the educational needs of their children”.

While very few bills have been filed and the committee has not listed which bills will be discussed at the Tuesday meeting, the Senate Education Committee plans to hold a hearing to discuss legislation and policy that will fulfill the governors’ call.

Your Texas Values team will be there to discuss with legislators the best strategy and policy options to make sure parents and students have the best options for education. Last session, we supported bills that allowed for education savings accounts but also had special religious liberty protections for private schools. We also hope to see legislation this special session that strengthens parental rights.

If you cannot attend the hearing, please tune in and watch the proceedings here.

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