
Texas Values Action 2015 Legislative Priorities

February 27, 2015

The Texas Values Action vision is to stand for biblical, Judeo-Christian values by ensuring Texas is a state in which religious liberty flourishes, families prosper, and every human life is valued. Here are our top legislative priorities for the 84th Texas Legislative Session:


Religious Freedom Constitutional Amendment: Texas Values Action supports efforts to protect religious freedom and free speech and will be supporting a state constitutional amendment to protect religious liberty. We support SJR 10 by Sen. Donna Campbell and HJR 125 by Rep. Matt Krause.

Religious Freedom Protection for Pulpits, Churches and Faith-Based Entities: Texas Values Action supports efforts to safeguard Texas pulpits, sermons, churches and faith-based entities from the growing attacks on their religious freedoms by governmental entities, particularly local governmental entities in Texas. We support HB 3567 by Rep. Scott Sanford


Protecting Texas Marriage In Law: Texas Values Action supports efforts to cut off all state funding to local governmental entities that violate Texas marriages law by recognizing same-sex marriages from others state and/or offering same-sex benefits in violation of Texas law any other violations of Texas law. We support HB 623 by Rep. Cecil Bell, Jr. & SB 673 by Sen. Perry.

Strengthening Marriage/Divorce Reform: Texas allows one spouse to end a marriage for “no-fault” with a mere 60 day waiting period.  Texas Values Action supports reform to strengthen marriages and reduce the divorce rate, particularly when children are involved, by extending the waiting period, requiring pre-divorce education courses and mutual consent.  Texas Values Action also supports efforts to eliminate “sex change” as proof of gender for a marriage certificate. We support HB 454 by Rep. Matt Krause.


We oppose government overreach and abuse of power by local governmental authorities which create unconstitutional ordinances and new protected classifications to trump religious freedom and free speech.  We support HB 1556 by Rep. Rick Miller and SB 343 by Sen. Don Huffines.



Pro-Life:  Texas Values Action supports any and all efforts to protect the sanctity of unborn children and the continued defunding of Planned Parenthood.  Texas Values will continue its role of providing legal and policy support for pro-life efforts at the Texas Capitol. We support HB 3994 by Rep. Geanie Morrison and SB 575 by Sen. Charles Perry.

Homosexual/LGBT Advocacy: Eliminating “mother” and “father” references on birth certificates. We oppose HB 537 by Rep. Anchia and SB 250 by Sen. Sylvia Garcia.

Parental Rights: Texas Values Action supports efforts to ensure that state law meets constitutional standards regarding the fundamental rights of parents.

Sex Education:  Texas Values Action supports current law that requires any sex education teaching to focus more on abstinence than any other method of preventing pregnancy and STDs.  We support banning abortion providers from having any involvement in sex education in public schools. We support HB 205 by Rep. Jeff Leach.

Gambling:  Texas Values Action opposes all efforts to expand gambling in Texas.


Download a PDF handout of our 2015 Legislative Priorities.

Download an additional PDF handout and marriage talking points from our Faith and Family Day.

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