Contact Texas House Public Health Committee to Oppose HB 467
Tomorrow (Tuesday, March 3) at 8:00 AM the Texas House Public Health Committee is scheduled to meet and consider a dangerous sex-education bill that is authored by liberal Democrat State Rep. Donna Howard of Austin. HB 467 would amend the Health and Safety Code to DELETE the section that requires the state to “teach that sexual activity before marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical consequences” for children under 18.
For sound reasons, Texas has required educating our young people on the numerous likely dangers of sexual activity outside of marriage. HB 467 would see Texas change course and signal there are never harmful consequences for children having premarital sex. This bill is not in step with the facts, the best interest of our young people, or Texas parents.
TAKE ACTION: Contact the Texas House Public Health Committee today and ask them to oppose HB 467!
Committee Members:
Chair: Rep. Mrya Crownover (R-Lake Dallas) 512-463-0582,
Vice Chair: Rep. Naishtat Elliott (D-Austin) 512-463-0668,
Rep. Cesar Blanco (D-El Paso) 512-463-0622,
Rep. Garnet Coleman (D-Houston) 512-463-0524,
Rep. Nicole Collier (D-Fort Worth) 512-463-0716,
Rep. Sarah Davis (R-Houston) 512-463-0389,
Rep. Bobby Guerra (D-Mission) 512-463-0578,
Rep. Rick Miller (R-Sugar Land) 512-463-0710,
Rep. J.D. Sheffield (R-Gatesville) 512-463-0628,
Rep. Bill Zedler (R-Arlington) 512-463-0374,
Rep. John Zerwas (R-Simonton) 512-463-0657,