The 3rd Special Session called by Governor Greg Abbott to primarily address education issues is coming close to an end. While the legislature successfully passed a bill to protect employees from being forced to get the COVID-19 shot (SB 7), there has been little movement on school choice legislation since the beginning of the special session.
The Texas Senate passed SB 1 by Senator Brandon Creighton on October 12. The bill would create a program for Education Savings Accounts that would provide $8,000 for families to use for various educational opportunities such as private school, tutoring, home schooling, school supplies, and other education expenses that would give students more options for success.
SB 1 was referred to a special committee in the House called the “Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Committee”. This committee has not met in this special session. The House filed its own education bill that has education savings accounts, but the bill contains a plethora of other special interests unrelated to school choice. However, no hearing has been scheduled for either the Senate or the House bill.
The clock is running out with only a few days left in the special session. If you would like to see school choice legislation passed this session, it is time to let your Texas House member know.
You can find your House member by clicking here.